Introducing my 2 step flower arranging hack! Any flowers and any color in this vase will make you look like a pro. There are so many gorgeous spring colors right now, I decided to create this rainbow, here’s how you can do it, too!
LORAfied Flower Hack
First, grab your vase and fill with water. A quick tip is to pour a little vodka in your water if you are out of flower food.
Click HERE for this amazing & affordable flower vase!
Here’s what you need in what order to recreate my arrangement (arrange left to right):
3 Red Roses
? 3 Orange Roses
? 3 Yellow Roses
? 3 Green Roses (Pistachio)
?Blue Hydrangeas, depending on size on size, you may not need 2.
? 3 Indigo or dark purple Ranunculus or similar, Iris and Lilacs work, too!
? 3 Violet Roses
Optional: I also picked up a couple stems of filler flowers in each of the 7 colors.
This flower arrangement hack is seriously so easy! All you do is trim your flowers and stick ’em in the little holes. My base is just under 16 inches long and has 22 openings. Start by placing 2 of each color in the holes, leaving the 2 holes between empty until you have all of the colors in place *SKIPPING the indigo (dark purple) ones at this point. Now go back and add the remaining main flowers, along with the filler of the same color in the empty holes.
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