Have you ever booked a hotel just for a day with no intention of staying all night? It’s called a Day Rate, hotels don’t advertise it, but it’s a thing! They will deeply discount extra inventory just for the day! We recently did this coming back from our summer vacation and were able to save over 55% on our flights ? Keep reading for my money saving travel hacks!
#Travel Hack 1: We saved over 55% on our flight flying out at night instead of the morning
This time I’m calling you from the Hyatt in Vancouver, Canada! What are we doing here and why are we not at the airport?! When we first bought the tickets, oh my gosh, they were so expensive! However, booking the night flight saved us over 55%! Because the cheapest flight out was the flight at night, we had to figure out what to do with our luggage during the day. This leads me to travel hack #2.
#Travel Hack 2: Book a “day rate” at a hotel
Did you know you can book a hotel room just for the day? Scooter ended up calling local hotels and asked for day rate offers. Hotels don’t advertise it, but it’s a thing! These hotels will cut you a deal to utilize any extra inventory just for the day.
We also use the app: dayuse.com which will locate a hotel offering day rates for you. We have zero affiliation with these guys, in fact, they don’t even know we exist ?
Would you be willing to try a day rate hotel room? Comment and lmk ? Follow along for more money saving travel hacks!
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