Introducing the turkey hack I can’t live without. Get your turkey moist, brown, and perfect. The best part? No basting needed!

Start by removing your oven’s middle rack, only leaving the lowest rack you have. Preheat the oven to 350F. Next, take the turkey out of its bag. Remove the bag of giblets, and set aside to use in other recipes, if desired. Place your turkey on a roasting pan. If you don’t have a roasting pan, placing your oven rack over a baking dish and parchment covered baking sheet works great.

Time for the butter massage! Butter outside, inside and under the skin (I use 1 stick of butter). Salt & Pepper outside and inside of the bird. Next, fill the cavity with citrus, veggies & herbs (I use an orange, onion, celery, rosemary & thyme). Cork cavity opening with half an apple to keep the bread open and moist. Tie legs and dress the wings.

Now grab your cheesecloth- it’s time for the magic! Soak 1 package of cheesecloth in 2 sticks of butter and drape over your turkey, completely covering your bird.

Bake the bird, 13 minutes per pound. My turkey took exactly 3 hours. Internal temp should read 160-165. Let rest for at least 20 minutes, longer if possible to get the best possible turkey.
NOTE: Do not open the oven while cooking. You don’t need to check it and more importantly, you’re not basting it! Resist the urge to peek, just let the magic happen ?
Happy Thanksgiving!
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