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The Best 3 Ingredient No Bake Cake Pop hack

Cake Pop Hack - LORAfiedLORAfied Cake Pop Hack ??

1 store bought frosted cake, any flavor
1 pkg chocolate chips of choice
2 Tbsp coconut oil
*Optional: Sprinkles of choice

Drop entire cake into a large mixing bowl.
Using hand mixer, mix until the cake and frosting are fully combined, creating a play-doh like consistency.
Use an ice cream scoop to make uniform portions, dropping on to a parchment lined pan.
Roll into balls and freeze for 30 minutes.
Melt chocolate & coconut oil in microwave, stirring every 30 seconds until melted.
Take out frozen balls and roll again, this will make them smoother and more uniform.

Dip sticks into melted chocolate and stick halfway into cake balls.
Take your finger and smooth extra frosting along the top creating a little dome, which helps keep them on the stick.
Put back in the freezer 15 minutes or until set.


Dip entire ball in melted chocolate and top with sprinkles, if desired.
Stand on a tray and store in the refrigerator.

Cake Pop Hack - LORAfied
Note: I buy a frozen cake and let it thaw. You can also grab a sale cake from the bakery, day old cakes work great for this!

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Money Saving Hacks: How to Store Fruits and Vegetables

Fruit & vegetable storage - lorafiedDo you feel like you’ve been throwing money away because your fruits and vegetables are spoiling before you can use them? Then this money saving hack is for you!

LORAfied Food Hacks: How to Store Fruits and Vegetables

how to store fruits and vegetables - LORAfied

Tip #1: Store fruits and veggies separately.

Tip #2: Wrap celery in foil, making sure the ends are wrapped tight.


Tip #3: Cut off end of lettuce core and sit in a little water, a flower vase works great and looks pretty in your fridge.

Tip #4: Wrap unwashed lettuce in paper towel & sealed baggie.

Tip #5: Place paper towels on top of berries, store upside down.

Check out more of LORAfied life hacks HERE!

Quick and Easy Kitchen Hack: How to Cut Bread

How to Cut Bread

Are you cutting bread right side up straight off the end? Not anymore! The chances of flattening it are a lot higher if you do. With this kitchen hack, you’ll learn the best way to cut bread!

All we’re going to do first is flip it over! Always use a serrated/ bread knife and then cut from the ends! It’s easy and looks good too.

Note: this gorgeous sourdough is from @hasibread They use turmeric and pea flower to create the stunning violet/yellow combo. I don’t have an affiliation with them, but am in love with this bread. According to their site, they ship nationwide. I found them @erewhonmarket in LA.

Check out more of LORAfied life hacks HERE!

Game Changing Mouth Tape Sleep Hack

Mouth tape sleep hack - lorafied

When my doctor suggested this, I thought he was joking!  This crazy mouth tape sleep hack is a game changer. Plus, it’s an affordable solution for a great night’s sleep!

Basically, the tape forces you to breathe through your nose leading to better sleep. Simply close your lips and place the tape on top! Ever since I’ve been using these, I am able to sleep through the night. You can find the horizontal mouth tape pack of 28 HERE and the X-shaped 60 pack HERE.

Please consult your own doctor before trying this.

Check out more of LORAfied life hacks HERE!

5 Ingredient Moist Crock Pot Cake Hack

crock pot cake hack - lorafiedCrock pot cake?! That’s right! Only 5 ingredients and easy to make. This is going to be the moistest cake you’ll ever have!

LORAfied Crock Pot Cake Hack

4 eggs
1/2 cup oil
1 cup water
1/2 cup sour cream
1 box cake mix, I used confetti flavor (GF works, too!)

Mix all 5 ingredients together.
Spray crock pot and pour in.
Cover and cook on high for 2 hours (check at 1:30 hours) Could take much longer, depending on your slow cooker.

Important Notes: Slow cookers vary a lot! To keep the cake from being overwhelmed by condensation, place a layer of paper towels under the lid. Also, prop the lid open a little, you can use a the handle of a wooden spoon to let the steam escape. When I make this in my Cuisinart Slow Cooker, I don’t have to prop the lid or add the layer of towels, but my actual Crockpot creates a lot more steam, making the tweaks necessary.

Check out more of LORAfied life hacks HERE!

Home-Ec Hacks: Easy DIY Fabric Softener

DIY Fabric Softener LORAfied home ec hackSAre you still using commercial fabric softener? It may smell good but it’s full of chemicals! Let’s toss it and make our own!

LORAfied DIY Fabric Softener

½ gallon White Vinegar, 6%
½ gallon distilled or filtered water
50 drops of essential oil of choice
¼ cup 91% rubbing alcohol

Shake before using to distribute essential oil.
Use 1/4 – 1/2 cup per load in your fabric softener dispenser

Check out more of LORAfied life hacks HERE!

The Best Creamy Buttercream Frosting Hack

buttercream frosting hackIf you’ve been afraid to make buttercream, I’m here to the rescue with an easy buttercream frosting hack AND a secret!

LORAfied Buttercream Frosting Hack

1 cup salted butter (2 sticks) softened until you can leave a thumbprint
1/4 teaspoon salt (add 1/2 teaspoon if using unsalted butter)
4 cups powdered sugar, measured, then sifted
3 tablespoons heavy cream or whole milk
2 teaspoons pure vanilla extract (can add 3 tsp if you’d like to bump up the flavor)
1 teaspoon freshly squeezed lemon juice (bottled works, too)


Whip together butter and salt until well combined. Hand mixer works well here!
Add half of the sifted powdered sugar and mix until fully combined.
Add remaining sifted powdered sugar, mixing again.
Pour in heavy cream, vanilla and lemon juice, whip until smooth


Note: you don’t taste the lemon juice, it just brightens the flavor and helps tame the sweetness.
To make chocolate buttercream, skip the lemon juice, cut powdered sugar back to 3 cups and add 1/2 cocoa powder.

Check out more of LORAfied life hacks HERE!

Travel Hack: How to Travel With Your Pets

travel hack - lorafiedTravel hack alert! Did you know you can buy your dog an airplane ticket? If you’re looking to fly with your pets, here’s how!

First you’ll need a carrier that fits under the seat (click HERE for the ones I use.)  Verify the size with your airline. To be allowed in the cabin, dogs need to be about 20 pounds or less.

Important notes: These guys count as one of your carry ons and you’re not allowed to take them out while flying. Airlines charge around $125 per dog for one way.

Make sure to use this travel hack and book your pets for your next flight. You want to make sure there’s space on the plane!

Check out more of LORAfied life hacks HERE!

Super Easy Sweaty Clothes Laundry Hack

Sweaty Clothes Laundry HackDo you dread stinky sweaty clothes in the laundry? Whether you can see it or not, you know it’s there! Here’s what to do.

LORAfied Sweaty Clothes Laundry Hack

Sweat Stain Paste Recipe:
½ cup baking soda
1 Tbsp. salt
1 Tbsp. hydrogen peroxide
1 cup white vinegar


Mix into a paste and spread directing on sweat stain. Let dry and wash like normal!

Check out more of LORAfied life hacks HERE!

The Best 4 Ingredient Red Velvet Cake Hack

Red Velvet Cake HackAre you ready for a 4 ingredient, easy red velvet cake? Here it is! We’re making a 2 ingredient cake and 2 ingredient frosting!

LORAfied Red Velvet Cake Hack

1 box red velvet cake mix
1 cup applesauce
1 can cream cheese frosting
1 8 oz. bar or container of cream cheese

Preheat oven to 350F. 
Combine cake mix and applesauce, use a mixer if you have one as the batter is thick. Pour into greased 13×9 inch pan. Bake for 20 – 30 minutes, depending on your oven. This layer is dense, just like a brownie.

While it cools, whip together the frosting and cream cheese. Then, spread over completely cooled brownie like cake layer.

This is the only red velvet cake hack you need!

Check out more of LORAfied life hacks HERE!

The Best Fast, Easy and Healthy Popcorn Hack

Popcorn hack - lorafiedDid you know the chemicals in popcorn bag lining have been linked to cancer? Yikes! Let’s make a healthy one using my popcorn hack! 

LORAfied Healthy Microwave Popcorn Hack

1/2 cup popcorn kernels
1 tsp avocado oil
Salt to taste

Mix kernels, oil & salt together, pour in bag, seal and microwave 2-3 minutes depending on your microwave.

Check out more of LORAfied life hacks HERE!

Home-Ec Hacks: How to Set a Dining Table

how to set a Dining TableDo you know how to set a regular family dinner night dining table? Are you confused about where each item goes? Then this home-ec hack is all you need!

If you have them, grab some placemats and stick your plate in the middle.

Knife goes on the right, followed by the spoon. Napkin goes on the left, then place the fork right on top.

If using 2 forks, the smaller one goes on the outside. Last, place your glass above the knife. That’s it! A perfectly set dining table.

Click to shop my place setting items below:

Gold Silverware Set

12-Piece White Porcelain Dinner Plates

40-Piece Dinnerware Set

White Dinner Napkin Set

Linen Placemats

Stemless Wine Glass Set

Check out more of LORAfied life hacks HERE!