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Easy 3 Ingredient Taco Bell Meat Recipe

3 Ingredient Taco Bell Meat

Do you like Taco Bell? Honestly, if it was healthier for you, how great would that be? I think their Cool Ranch Dorito taco is amazing, but it’s something I can’t have often, so I decided to recreate it at home. Here’s my insanely easy, 3 ingredient Taco Bell meat recipe!


-1 lb. Lean ground meat (beef, chicken or turkey)
-1 small to medium onion (any kind), finely chopped
-1 pkg. taco seasoning (any brand)


Dump all 3 ingredients into a pan and cook over medium heat until the meat is throughly cooked. No draining, no straining! Make sure you do not follow the back of the seasoning packet.

3 Ingredient Taco Bell Meat

Toss it into a shell, add any toppings, seasoning and sauce you like (I use Taco Bell Mild Sauce) & enjoy!

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