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Fast and Easy Breakfast Egg McMuffin Hack

Egg McMuffin Hack - lorafiedHere’s a great Egg McMuffin hack you’ll want to make for breakfast! It’s easy, fast, affordable, and portable! The best part? You can make these ahead and freeze for 2 weeks of breakfast!

LORAfied Egg McMuffin Hack
1 dozen eggs
12 English muffins
12 slices of cheese of choice
12 slices of cooked bacon or meat of choice, plant based works, too
1/2 stick butter, melted


Prepare bacon, I bake mine at 400F 10-15 mins. Depending on oven & bacon thickness. Grease a cupcake pan and crack an egg into each one and add seasoning, then bake at 350F 15 mins. Toast & butter English muffins.

Stack in this order: cheese, meat & egg

Wrap tightly and store in freezer safe bag. When ready to eat, pop in your microwave for 1 minute or so!

Check out more of LORAfied life hacks HERE!

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