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Free and Easy Holiday Hacks: Cookies, containers, and more!


Are you making cookies for your friends and family this holiday? Or wrapping a few gifts? No matter how you’re spreading holiday cheer, these 5 SIMPLE holiday hacks will help you SAVE TIME & MONEY this year! The best news: you already have everything you need ?

First up is my genius cookie hack- I’m so excited about this one! Did you know you can use flower vases or juice glasses at cookie stamp? Take a look at the bottom of your glasses or vases, and use the beautiful patterns to create a design on your cookies.


Next up is my frosting hack- the absolute best way to decorate cookies! All you have to do is stick your frosting in a condiment bottle. This hack makes sure there’s no mess and makes decorating a breeze.

With all these great cookie hacks, we need a place to put ‘em! Did you know you can turn an ordinary paper plate into a cookie box?! Just take your plate, and make 2 cuts on each side, about 2.5” deep. Next, come in and fold. Lastly, overlap the round sides and seal ‘em up with some handy tape. They turn out so darling!

Another option is to make cookie containers using red solo cups. Grab your solo cup, take your can opener, and remover the top. Next, take your scissors and cut down to create a lid!


Lastly, we are going to use those old Christmas cards and turn them into gift tags. This is a great way to reuse them, and they look darling on any gift!

Would you rather have a frosted sugar cookie or a gingerbread one? Comment and LMK! I’m a frosted sugar cookie gal…I especially love them straight out of the freezer ❄️❤️


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