Do you draw straws to see who’s stuck putting the lights on the tree at your house? It honestly used to my least favorite part of decorating the tree, but not anymore! I’ve got a new way to put on those lights FASTER AND it adds more sparkle ✨ Wondering how many bulbs to buy? My EASY bulb calculator will take the guess would out of that, too! Plus several other game changers ?
Don’t forget to check out my Storefront to shop the goodies from my tree shop HERE?
Instead of going around the tree, drape the lights vertically. This way, you’ll get more coverage and the process is a lot quicker! Keep in mind, you need around 100 lights per vertical foot.
When it comes to decorations, start with the largest guys first, and then fill in with the smaller ones! Refer to my bulb calculator to crack the code for how many bulbs you’ll need based on your tree size?
Ribbon hack: flat irons aren’t just for hair! They are great to straighten out old bows to make them look good as new.
Tie some bells at the bottom of your branches to let you know if a baby (of any kind?) is tugging at your tree!
Rule of thumb: but your delicate decorations and ornaments toward the top of the tree and put 5lb bags of rice under the tree to keep it from tipping over!
Do you name your tree? Comment and LMK! We call this one “The Little Mermaid” ?♀️ Elvis (think blue suede shoes ?) was a close second and of course, Kid 2 wanted to call her “Tiffany” because of the blue ribbons ??
Happy Holidays!
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