Do you leave your butter out on the counter or is it always in the fridge? If it’s in the fridge, where in the fridge are you keeping it? Believe or not, this all matters! And if you buy unsalted butter, it REALLY matters! Butter Hacks you need to know…including the ONLY BUTTER to use when ENTERTAINING ? Here’s how long you have before your butter goes bad!
If you are having a dinner party, grab the salted butter.
Because of the preservaties, you can leave this guy out for about 1-2 days on the counter. For unsalted butter, we are talking only 30-60 minutes! Any longer than that, it all needs to go in the fridge.
Two of butter’s least favorite tings are heat and light. Keep away from your oven and window.
If you aren’t refrigerating your butter , I recomend using this super cute “butter bell.” You can find the link HERE: Your butter bell can stay on your counter for up to 30 days. How to use this guy is to pour a little water at the botton of your base, add your butter and seal it up. Here’s the catch- you need to change the water in this guy at least every other day.
We all have those butter compartments in our fridge, but turns out that’s not where we’re supposed to be putting our butter. The best place to store your butter is in the BACK of the fridge because it’s the coldest!
What about butter spreads and margarines? Because of the lack of fat content in those guys, those guys are best refrigerated. And guess what, the color of your butter doesn’t matter! If your butter is more yellow, it probably means the cow was just milked in the spring or the summer. If it’s a whiter butter, it was probably winter or fall.
Do you buy salted or unsalted butter? Or maybe butter spread? Comment and LMK! I’m a salted butter gal…even when a recipe calls for unsalted, I still use the one with ??
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