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Sugar: Hacked!



 Am I the only one or did you also think honey and molasses were exponentially better for you than a plain old white sugar? While both honey and molasses contain some form of micronutrients, they are both still sugars! But when it comes to plain old calories and carbs you may be shocked at which sugar comes out on top 🤯



The truth is, your body can’t tell the difference between sugar. Added sugar is… added sugar!

Here’s the kicker, though. White sugar actually has fewer carbs and calories than honey. Turns out a teaspoon of the white, brown, and the raw basically have the same amount of calories (around 15 per 1 teaspoon) and carbs (around 4 per 1 teaspoon).

BUT, when you move over to the molasses and honey, they actually have higher calories (around 20 per 1 teaspoon) and carbs (around 5 per 1 teaspoon).


The bottom line? Use the one you want! It’s really the amount, not the kind.


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