Has one of your kids ever accidentally opened a siblings gift by mistake? It’s happened to me more than once and WOW, the aftermath can be a lot to negotiate, right?! Try my absolute FAVORITE GIFT WRAPPING HACK: Photo Gift Tags ? Not only are they cute, it’s super fun for everyone looking for their gifts. Have everyone laughing by grabbing some older photos of your family ? PLUS: FREE WRAPPING PAPER you already have hanging out in your recycling bin AND the HACK that will actually have you excited about finding an empty toilet paper roll ??
Let’s start with my favorite. Take some old family photos and turn them into gift tags! This is a super fun way to personalize gifts, and they turn out so cute. Plus, it’ll give the whole family a laugh!
This second wrapping hack helps you wrap gifts with items you have on hand! Did you know that paper that comes inside the package works great as wrapping paper? To make it look nice, I ironed out the paper and spritzed with water throughout the process. I used an empty paper towel to roll it up and it’s time to wrap. Just wrap as normal and stick a ribbon around it and get ready to embarrass your kids with those photo gift tags?
Next up is my toilet paper roll hack! It sounds crazy, I know, but it’s the perfect way to wrap those small funky sized gifts. Grab an empty paper towel roll, stick the small gift inside, and bend the ends down. Seal with tape and that’s it! It looks so cute and even cuter with a little bow. Who knew empty toilet paper rolls would come in handy?!
What’s the hardest thing you’ve ever had to wrap? Comment and LMK! I’m going with those hoverboards that were all the rage a few years ago and boy were they heavy…wonder where those went ??
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