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Use Leftover Tomato Paste to Make These Flavor Bombs

Tomato Paste Flavor Bombs

Do you have a partially used can of tomato paste in your refrigerator? Growing up, it was a refrigerator staple found on the top shelf, all the way to the back, also known as the black hole. Here’s a way to reuse what you have leftover: Flavor Bombs! Grab an ice tray and follow me!

Tomato Paste Flavor Bombs

Take your can of leftover tomato paste and scoop out a tablespoon into each tray slot. Add a quarter tablespoon of garlic, a generous sprinkle of basil, give it a stir and pop it into the freezer!

You can add these flavor bombs to pasta, eggs, soup, rice, pretty much anything! Except for brownies…I don’t think I’d stick them in brownies.


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