Did you know the latte is the most ordered coffee drink in America? I’m a huge fan, in fact one of my favorite puns is: “I love them a latte!”
According to Starbucks, Los Angeles has more Frappuccino drinkers thank any other US city and I believe it. Here in the city of Angels, spotting a fun cafe is just as exciting as bumping into Bradd Pitt in the parking garage at my doctor’s office! My girls and I have turned looking for lattes into a sport and we’ve gotten pretty good at it. When we come across one that’s extra special, I just have to share.
Add Red Maple Cafe to your LA list, this place is fantastic! With over 50 flavors and a star studded menu, literally, they call their drinks: “Celebralattes”, you’ll find yourself grappling with the conundrum of choice.
Kid #2 ordered the “Betty White” latte as a tribute to the one and only who recently passed away. I mean, how cool is that foam print?! You can also customize your latte by uploading a picture to the Drink Ripples app- super easy and lots of fun!
When I was ready to order, since the possibilities are pretty much endless, my first thought was to go with a picture of Rick Springfield. BUT I decided to go with my heart’s twin, Scooter…after all, Valentine’s Day is just around the corner!