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Money Saving Hacks: How to Store Fruits and Vegetables

Fruit & vegetable storage - lorafiedDo you feel like you’ve been throwing money away because your fruits and vegetables are spoiling before you can use them? Then this money saving hack is for you!

LORAfied Food Hacks: How to Store Fruits and Vegetables

how to store fruits and vegetables - LORAfied

Tip #1: Store fruits and veggies separately.

Tip #2: Wrap celery in foil, making sure the ends are wrapped tight.


Tip #3: Cut off end of lettuce core and sit in a little water, a flower vase works great and looks pretty in your fridge.

Tip #4: Wrap unwashed lettuce in paper towel & sealed baggie.

Tip #5: Place paper towels on top of berries, store upside down.

Check out more of LORAfied life hacks HERE!

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