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My Pumpkin Bundt Cake Recipe

Lorafied pumpkin bundt cake

Introducing my pumpkin surprise Bundt cake! This is my version of The Great Pumpkin. There are so many things you can do with this cake…plain vanilla frosting for a white pumpkin would be pretty here, so many options! The best part? The cake only has four ingredients.

Btw, if pumpkin spice isn’t your thing, you can still make this cake with any Bundt cake flavor…chocolate would be delicious and spooky!

LORAfied Pumpkin Bundt Cake



Pumpkin Cake
NOTE: this makes 1 cake, you will need to make 2 to make the pumpkin shape 😉


1 Spice cake mix (I used Duncan Hines, but any brand will work)
1 can pumpkin purée 15 oz can
1 cup milk (I used 2%)
4 eggs



Preheat oven to 350F.
Mix eggs, milk and pumpkin together, then blend in cake mix.
Pour into prepared pan (I grease and flour mine).
Bake for 30 – 40 minutes, every oven is different, so start checking at 30 minutes.
Let the cakes cool completely before removing from the pan.


Now, time for the fun part. To assemble you pumpkin, flip the bottom Bundt upside down. Sliver off the top layer to make an even base. After frosting the Bundt, place the second cake right on top. I filled the middle hole with candy and placed a cookie on top. For the pumpkin stem, I covered an ice cream cone in chocolate. Frost the outside to finish, and you have yourself a pumpkin cake!

P.S. Here’s the Bundt pan I used for this pumpkin cake🎃🎂


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