Have you ever had a meal on the streets of New York City? Or any street for that matter? Last night was a close as I’ve ever come to either! Thanks to an incredible group called @out_inthefield and a little Hollywood magic on the backlot of @paramounttelevisionstudios kid #1 and I had the dinner of a lifetime!
Outstanding in the field has been traveling the world for over two decades creating incredibly unique dining experiences in the most beautiful spots on earth. The founder @jimdenevan travels the country in their vintage bus brining these destination dining events to life.

Since every event is custom to the city they’re in, each dining experience is different. But what remains the same is their farm to table dedication and their BYOP which stands for “Bring Your Own Plate”. It’s a nice homey touch and all pretty neat to see all the different plates representing all the different attendees. Bonus: they wash your plate for you before you leave.

From truly cool ice cubes to insanely good food, I can’t say enough about this magical night! It was thrilling to share with our oldest daughter…she’s camera shy, so enjoy this rare pic of us, it was like capturing a unicorn, love you, girl!
Fun fact: back in the day, my news station was on the Paramount lot. I worked on Stage 21 as a reporter for years. It’s also where the old Lucy Show was shot. It was fun to be back at my old stomping grounds, especially with kid #1 who also worked on the lot for Dr. Phil right out of college.
As you might imagine, it takes a village to pull something like this off. Special thanks to all of these amazing chefs and sponsors for creating a once in a lifetime event:
@out_inthefield @paramounttelevisionstudios @jimdenevan @theafrogypsy @lafoodbowl @guyfrenkel @ceorbread @djwes @angryegretdinette @guerrillatacos @BurtBakman
@Slab @Shikulosangeles @Baroolosangeles @ValerieConfctns @chefbrianbornemann @Crudo_e_Nudo @Jitlada_la @justinwine @landmarkwine @citynationalbank @lafoodbank