Are you team churro? Or does the hype surrounding them leave you scratching your head? Personally, I’ve never really cared for churros, I’ve always thought of them as burnt donut sticks, but the last two days has changed me forever!
I don’t know if I just didn’t give them a chance or if it’s Disneyland’s perfect placement of churro carts all over their parks that finally twisted my arm!
Today we ate 6 churros, yes, 6! Now, we’re not talking Costco quality donut sticks, no offense, Costco, these are a whole new level of taste sensation! Here they are, in no particular order:
The Maleficent Churro – rolled in chocolate cookie crumbles and green colored sugar. I highly recommend getting the optional marshmallow creme dipping sauce, I mean, you’ve come this far, right?
Find it near Sleeping Beauty’s castle.
Senor Buzz Caliente churro – rolled in crushed cinnamon red hots, this is both hot and sweet. Pick it up on the Pixar Pier.
Chocolate & Matcha Churro – rolled in chocolate cookie crumbs then covered in matcha cream cheese buttercream, strawberry sauce and gummy worms. Served at Willie’s Churro cart near Soarin’ Around the World.
Bride Churro – Dusted in vanilla powder, you can find this ghostly beauty near the Haunted Mansion.
Sweet Spiral Ration – this looks more like a fluorescent cinnamon roll than churro, but it’s insanely good! It’s described as pineapple flavored, but everyone in my family agreed it has zero pineapple taste, so don’t let that stop you from grabbing this one, it was actually my favorite! Found near Guardians of the Galaxy.

Horchata churro – rolled in Horchata powder and served with a side of sweetened condensed milk dipping sauce. Near Goofy’s Sky School.

A special shout out to our guide and friend Philander Bulter for another incredible trip! If you’re not following him, you need to be! His knowledge and passion for all things Disney is unmatched. We’ve been blessed to have Philander for the past few years, can’t say enough about him! Disney is lucky to have him on board and we’re blessed they share him with us.