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Holiday Hacks on Today With Hoda & Jenna

LORAfied Today Show Hoda and Jenna


Click ➡️ HERE ⬅️ to watch the episode!


WOW, sister, just WOW! To say it was an honor to share some of my favorite Holiday Hacks on @hodaandjenna with @hodakotb & @jennabhager wouldn’t begin to cover how I feel. My heart is especially full and let’s just say Scooter has finally stopped calling my full-time job a hobby ?

Have you ever put your dream on hold to raise your kids? Support your spouse? Care for a loved one? Or maybe you couldn’t take a chance on it because you had to keep food on the table and dreams are risky and certainly don’t pay the bills right away. I GET YOU! My career highway has been dotted with ?? road signs, telling me to slow down, pull over, even suggesting I just simply ✋!

Some of my speed bumps include: Having Kid 1 when I was 22 and married to the wrong guy for me. Being a single mom for a decade never saying no to a news live shot because being a divorced parent is expensive. Then finally getting a break at the network when I meet Scooter. While I really tried to continue working after Kid 2 came along, it became clear both Scoot and I couldn’t be on the road at the same time, so I hung up my cleats to be at home with Kids 2 & 3.

But I’m going to be honest, and anyone who knows me knows this, I missed my career, I missed the gathering of information, the research, the sharing what I had uncovered.

3 years ago, during a routine yearly checkup, my doctor told me I had to figure something out…meaning he could tell my normal peppy spark was dimming…it’s because I had been suppressing my goals, thinking they’d just go away, it was that obvious ? And here’s the kicker: I was 50 years old at the time (now 53!) What in the world could I possibly start?

For the love of LORAfied, sister THIS IS YOUR SIGN ?


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