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Super Quick and Easy 5 Ingredient Low Carb Fajita Hack

Fajita Hack - lorafied

If you’re looking for an easy recipe to make for dinner tonight, look no further! I’m sharing the low carb 5 ingredient fajita hack you need!

LORAfied Fajita Hack


1 pkg chicken tenders

1 medium onion

2 handfuls mini sweet peppers

1 box sliced mushrooms (optional)

1pkg fajita seasoning


Slice onion and sweet peppers, place on bottom of pan along with mushrooms. Top with packet of chicken tenders and sprinkle fajita mix on top. Drizzle heavily with avocado oil and toss with your hands, making sure everything is well coated. Bake at 375F for 20-025 minutes depending on your oven.


Check out more of LORAfied life hacks HERE!

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